What is Wilshire Park Parents Association (WPPA)?
As a parent of Wilshire Park Elementary, you are automatically part of the Wilshire Park Parents Association (WPPA).
WPPA aims to enhance the school experience for every student by encouraging family involvement, building a sense of community, and supporting the school and its staff. We support efforts in volunteering, school events, school staff appreciation, yearbook, and fundraising.
How do I join?
You are already in! As a parent of Wilshire Park Elementary in St. Anthony, Minnesota, you are automatically part of the Wilshire Park Parents Association (WPPA)! It’s up to you how much you’d like to be involved. We need more board members and volunteers and welcome your ideas and talents!
Why and how to donate?
You can always donate via our ongoing Zeffy form. Avoid any fees and send a check into the school with “WPPA” and something in the note about the cause.
We have various fundraisers throughout the year. From ones that give back to you such as Yearbook and Spirit Wear to events such as Fun Fest and the Art Show and Ice Cream Social to flat out fundraisers such as Apex Fun Run and HundredX Surveys. We keep costs low and give the money back to the school, students, school staff needs, educational experiences, and sometimes building needs (see playground) or small grants.
Don't forget, you can support the WPPA through matching donations at your employer.
Above: Each year all educators in the building can apply for up to $200 for “start-up funds” from WPPA to enhance the education experience for students. This need is around $12,000 and we use fundraisers to replenish this fund each year.
Above: The new playground solid surface was a multi-year effort and was over $56,000 to cover the cost of the core playground equipment and an adjacent swing. This is a request from the school to make the playground more accessible to all students and we have been happy to help make this happen with the help of fundraisers of all types.
Above: The WPPA volunteers provide meals to our school staff during conferences as well as small gifts, meals, and treats during School Staff Appreciation Week in the spring. We work with the school to time things correctly and fit with their schedule and other plans.
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteering for WPPA not only helps us, but it helps the staff at Wilshire, is a great way to get to know other parents, is a fun way to engage with your kids, and brings our community together. We’ve got a variety of events and SO many ways you can help!
If interested in learning more about these volunteer opportunities (and more), please reach out to wppapresident@gmail.com
Conference night/day meal coordinator
Fun Fest event team
Yearbook design and photography (we often need a volunteer for each grade level)
Teacher appreciation week coordinator
Fundraising team
Give thanks to a teacher and classroom!
Maybe you'd consider supporting a few needs for a Wilshire Park classroom experience directly? Here's some wishlists that we know about. Feel free to let us know more about others at communications@wilshireparkparents.com
Lynda Brock (Media Center)
Minda Gomez (ML)
Tim Leverentz (ML)
Lindsay Schober (Special Education)
Michaela Ward (Special Education)
Nancy Terry (Special Education Speech Language Pathologist)
Emmi Hackbarth (Music)
Emily Williams (Occupational Therapist)
Lisa Cartwright (STEM)
Amy Cooper (Kindergarten)
Trisha Hamilton (Kindergarten)
Beth Kessler (1st)
Allison Downing (1st)
Krista Johnson (1st)
Carrie Nord (2nd)
Mikayla Stonebraker (2nd)
Nadia Abu-Hijleh (2nd)
Hsuyao Tseng (2nd)
Kelsey Tuominen (2nd)
Chad Myhre (3rd)
Caitlin Barrett (3rd)
Dante Britten (3rd)
Nada Paraskeva (3rd)
Kerri Skinner (3rd - Intervention)
Melissa Laney (4th)
Amy Crotteau (5th)
Nicole Boxer (5th)
Nicole Snoberger (5th)
Dan Kaczrowski (5th)
Nikoline Tushar (5th - Intervention)
Reserve a Yearbook!
Cover contest from this fall to the left. We helped run a contest with teachers and students to choose the cover.
Buy your Wilshire Park 2024-25 yearbook (delivered in late May).
Interested in helping out or submitting photos for the yearbook? Reach out to WPPAyearbook@gmail.com.
Upcoming Meetings and Past Meeting Minutes
We are planning for WPPA community meetings for the 2024-2025 school year. Dates and agendas to come. Watch Friday newsletters.
Usually we have a message from the school, guest speakers (mental health counselor, district nurse, school board, etc.), and some updates from the WPPA board such as budget, upcoming events, and ways to get involved.
2024-2025 Board Members
Sheri Crane - President
Miranda Striegel - Vice President
Chris Haas - Treasurer
Nate Kerl - Communications
Lisa Thomson - Event Coordinator
Kelly Bainbridge - Volunteer Coordination
Christina Willis - Yearbook
Interested in joining us or volunteering for a specific event? Contact us.
Welcome to the WPPA!
Keep up with the latest announcements from WPPA.
Connect with us on Facebook and Instagram!